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Dahl School, Kindness Certificate and Ruby Bridges Walk
CORAL banner and activities
CORAL at Dahl School
murals at dahl
Our beautiful campus murals
Wellness Center pictures
Wellness Center

Our Welllness center is open to students to have a calm place to de-stress and receive positive messages. 

Community Events, Assemblies and Spirit days, There is always something happening at Dahl School. 
School Events

Community Events, Assemblies and Spirit days, There is always something in the works at Dahl School. 

all staff at dahl
Our Hardworking Staff

Our Secretaries, Custodians, Cafeteria ladies, Counselors, Yard Duties, and Teachers all work together to make Dahl a safe place of learning. 

First Day back at school is August 12th, 2024

News & Events

4 Students Laying on their Stomachs Smiling

Mission Statement

About Us

The Franklin-McKinley School District will ensure all 8th-grade student graduates have the skills and knowledge to be ready for a college preparatory curriculum in high school. They all will have the ability to pursue a program preparing them for university and/or careers and lifelong learning.